Maths PD: Teaching Times Tables or Number Facts with Understanding

Mathematics Professional Development Video:

Classroom Professor at the Queensland Education Resources Expo (QUEDREX) 2013

We were at QUEDREX for the second year, with lots of new resources to show teachers.

Video of PD workshop presented by Dr Peter Price on the topic “Students Struggling with Number Facts? Develop Mental Strategies, the Key to Fluency”:

Notes on SlideShare:

For more information: QUEDREX (official site).

New Product Launch at the BETT Show, London, UK

We were at the BETT Show in the ExCel Centre in London!

I am pleased to announce that yesterday (January 30th) we launched our interactive, cross-platform teaching and learning tools, Classroom Professor Gadgets.

Professor Pete’s Gadgets are designed to interactively support students’ development of mathematical thinking, by presenting them with symbols, pictures and words which they can manipulate to understand how they relate to each other.

For example, they can see how common fractions, percentages, decimal fractions and ratios relate to each other, what they look like in a pictorial form and where they sit on a number line between 0 and 1:

Professor Pete’s Gadgets: Fraction Converter

If you are able to get to BETT, come and find us at stand C355 and say “G’day!” I’ll have a free gift to give you to thank you for your support.