SCROLLING HUNDRED BOARD A hundred board that scrolls from 0 to 2000. Scrolling arrows and options allow for counting, highlighting multiples and special numbers. Quick Start Guide
Number Expander Expand numbers with place value visually displayed Quick Start Guide
EASY PLACE VALUE Animates grouping of ones and tens using 6 different resources Walkthrough Video Watch this video to quickly learn the features of this app: Quick Start Guide
Number PopUp Expand numbers with place value visually displayed Walkthrough Video Watch this video to quickly learn the features of this app: Quick Start Guide
Number Slide Multiply and divide numbers by powers of ten, with and without decimals. Quick Start Guide
SCROLLING HUNDRED BOARD A hundred board that scrolls from 0 to 2000. Scrolling arrows and options allow for counting, highlighting multiples and special numbers. Quick Start Guide
Odometer Count in 1s, 2s & 5s in any place up to millions and down to thousandths. Click the up or down arrow to show how the numbers in each of the places change. Walkthrough Video Watch this video to quickly learn the features of this app: Quick Start Guide
ADDITION & SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS APP: Linked to pictures of shapes. Walks through each step of the process. Walkthrough Video Watch this video to quickly learn the features of this app: Quick Start Guide
NUMBER FACTS The grid changes between addition and multiplication tables. Walkthrough Video Watch this video to quickly learn the features of this app: Quick Start Guide
EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS Demonstrate visually equivalence, simplifying, decimals & recurring decimal fractions. Walkthrough Video Watch this video to quickly learn the features of this app: Quick Start Guide
FRACTION CONVERTER Convert between common fractions, decimal fractions, percentages & ratios. Linked to pictures of shapes and placement on a number line. Walkthrough Video Watch this video to quickly learn the features of this app: Quick Start Guide
FRACTION COUNTER Count in fractions. Convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions. Walkthrough Video Watch this video to quickly learn the features of this app: Quick Start Guide
TEN FRAMES Shows addition, subtraction and difference between two numbers. Quick Start Guide